My Story

Hi, I’m Laura. I am a mother of two beautiful boys a lover of nature and natural remedies and a student of life. I created Dandy Lion Organic out of the passion I have for herbs and for the power that taking health back into our own hands can bring. 

I realised recently that my love language is giving to others things that will make them feel better. I always feel a proactive pull to support those around me who are suffering. This part of my nature coupled with my deep love of natural healing and my drive to read and learn has led me down the path of homeopathics and medicinal herbs.

I have a bachelor of education and throughout my career of teaching and mentoring grew a passion for the health and well-being of families and children. Which led to an understanding of how deeply woman and mothers require incredible strength and vitality in their daily life to fulfill the important role they occupy. I see this as a vital pillar of a strong and healthy society.

I also hold a Diploma of Beauty Therapy which is the first place I started to understand plants and their role as an ingredient in balms and oils and lotions. I then went on to have children of my own which has taken me down every natural and holistic road I can find; from food to supplements, to body work, to spiritual work. I know I'm not done discovering yet but I can see the puzzle pieces fitting together and showing us that nature is the ultimate healer and the land and the plants are calling us home.

I believe it is coming back into homeostasis with nature that will see us heal deeply and in meaningful ways. The products that I create and produce are small batch, always organic, and sustainably packaged. They evolve as do I on a regular basis and are handmade with love, no two batches are ever exactly alike and the flexibility of a custom blend is something I am always happy to discuss.